
Clean The Windows
By Mike Green, November 2020

I guess today I’ll clean the windows, there’s so much to do
Not until I see more clearly, make the world like new

Run the water in the bucket, rubber gloves and soap
Don’t climb too high up the ladder, don’t you give up hope

Remember back when we were younger, we did not know squat
Some days we’re a little wise, the other days - so what?

Oh, but over there, just take a look, what’s that all about
Set the bucket by the door, I got to check this out
Might be all my heroes, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King
Stopping by our house for dinner, then sit around and sing

But it was just the mail delivery, flyers, bills and crap
What’s the point in even looking, life is more than that

Don’t you think that we deserve a higher train of thought
Engines fueled by love and wonder that can’t be sold or bought

Every day’s a big dilemma between the means and ends
One is wrapped inside the other, tough to comprehend

Oh, but when’s the day when I’ll grow up and sign on to the deal
Recognize there’s other people and understand they’re real
Bathroom jokes still crack me up just like I’m eight years old
I keep it up ‘til my dad washes my mouth out with soap

Where’s that rag that cleans the glass and doesn’t leave those streaks
Probably on the closet floor, been laying there for weeks

Ah, but will these questions hang around beyond the windows gleam
Washing windows - the perfect pairing with a good daydream

I guess today I’ll clean the windows, there’s so much to do
Not before I see more clearly, make the world like new

Run the water in the bucket, rubber gloves and soap
Climb right up there on the ladder, don’t you give up hope, hope